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Statement Italy (mad cow disease pa

Subject: Statement Italy (mad cow disease part two)

Burma Centrum Netherlands News  (BCNN)

Press statement of the Italian Embassy in the Netherlands (original in Dutch).

Rome, May 27, 1996. 
The Italian Government, who is following the current events in Myanmar with 
attention, herewith condenms the mass arrests of  last week which, on the 
eve of the party congress of the NLD, have been made among the lawfull 
elected members of this party, and amongst her other members.

Italy requests the SLORC to release all arrested persons immediately and 
unconditionally, and at the same time urges all involved parties to refrain 
from any actions which might lead to further escalation of the situation.

Italy is of the opinion that a genuine dialogue between the SLORC and the 
democratic opposition, wherein freedom of movement is guaranteed, is the 
only solution to the current political deadlock in Myanmar.
BCN is onafhankelijke stichting. Doel: Nederlandse samenleving informeren 
over Burma. Het initieert en co-ordineert aktiviteiten die democratisering 
en duurzame ontwikkeling bevorderen. Het geeft een positieve bijdrage aan 
een constructieve dialoog tussen de diverse groeperingen.

Paulus Potterstraat 20
(31)20-6716952 (tel)
(31)20-6713513 (fax)

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