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A fact to consider The Use OR The W

Subject: A fact to consider The Use OR The Waste of the Revolution Money     by The Oppositio

A fact to consider The Use OR The Waste of the Revolution Money by The 
Oppositions on the border
	We all have been criticizing and pointing out the misuse of the 
country?s resources by the SLORC?s generals and misconduct or power by 
them.  Yes, SLORC misuses, misconducts or exploits all resources for its 
benefit only but not for the people.  It is a fact that need to be 
changed when Burma is ruled under a democratic government.  
At the time of the struggle for the democratic changes in Burma, we (the 
opposition groups) should practice the use of resources for the 
	It is very clear that the funding we received on the border is only for 
the struggle but not for the personal uses.  However, there are some 
misuses or wasting of those funding  by the opposition groups.  We tried 
to changed by discussing those uses but it didn?t and therefore, we 
inevitably have to post and imform about those to all who concern about 
Burma?s democratic movement so  that  those can be changed in a proper 
way and can be convinced those people to change their misconducts.
	Here is only an example of the misuse of the funding and there are many 
many misuses in all groups.  Two members of NCGUB were detained by Thai 
authorities very recently.  They were U Maung Maung Aye and U Maung 
Maung Latt.  They were arrested together with Saw David Tarkapaw and a 
woman in Bangkok.  In order to release them, NCGUB had to bribed 150,000 
Baht to the police.  The matter is that those money is not to use for 
such personal reason but  for democratic struggle.  It is understandable 
that the arrest of such great leaders can delay the progress of the 
democratic movements, but those funding were not provided for personal 
uses.  As the leaders from the revolution area, it was clear that they 
have any personal income and personal properties and therefore they 
might need to use those funding for their release.  However, as  leaders 
of the democratic struggle, all should be careful of the use of those 
funding and those funding should be spent just for democratic struggle.  
	Moreover, there are four NCGUB offices in Bangkok alone for several 
purpose.  The fact that why NCGUB spends such money to rent those four 
offices and to buy mobile phones for almost every members of them should 
be reconsidered deeply and it should restrict the optional uses of the 
funding for personal purposes.  Why does NCGUB need four office alone in 
Bangkok and why do they all need mobile phone?  The refugees from Burma, 
student members, and dissidents live in poverty and they are doing 
activities in poor funds because almost all funding are spent for other 
uses such as office uses, leaders? spending, central committee members? 
travel costs and so on.  Those misuses are not happening only in NCGUB 
but in almost all opposition groups on the border.   The funds are not 
shown for some security reason even to the members of them and 
therefore, the misuse of such funds are very possible to withhold.   
	We would like to request all to change such weakness of the oppositions 
on the border so that the funding can be spent just for the movement not 
for the leaders.   We believe that there are so many issues to be 
changed if we are struggling for democracy and those are needed to be 
changed in time.  

"Unless we try to change bad behaviours inheritaged from BSPP government 
in our daily activities, the revolution will never comes true."

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