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                                  MYANMAR INFORMATION COMMITTEE
                                           INFORMATION SHEET
                                N0.A-0678(I) 3rd             November 1998

(1)		(Continuation of yesterday)
		Attitude of Political Parties  
		Today, a translation of the declaration on the attitude of Wa National
Development Party  released on 29-10-98 is stated as follows. The declarations
of other political parties will also be made public. 
Attitude of Wa National Development Party on the call of 
the National League for Democracy 
to convene the Hluttaw
												    Dated: 28-10-98
1.	Our Wa National Development Party has been officially recognized by the
State Law and Order Restoration Council. Our party will cooperate with the
government and strive for unity and all-round development of Wa nationals who
have been backward in all areas during different periods.
2.	Being a national race party, our party is determined to work together with
the government with might and main to build a peaceful, modern and developed
nation and to realize the National Convention objectives,  namely, non-
disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity,
perpetuation of sovereignty and flourishing of genuine multi-party democracy
3.	The National League for Democracy's formation of the Pyithu Hluttaw
representative committee and its attempts to convene the Hluttaw by itself can
confront the State Peace and Development Council government which is currently
in existence and harm the nation much. So, our party will not support its
						Central Executive Committee
					   Wa National Development Party Lashio

(2)		Specialists Call on Minister for Health 
		Dr Leslie Lam, leader of cardiac treatment and surgical team of Singapore,
accompanied by Director of Medical Services  Called on Minister for Health  at
his office on 2 November. Chairman Dr Debra johnson of Interplast Team (USA),
non-governmental social organization of the United States and Leader of Asia
and Pacific Region Mr Ravi Gangal of Core Healthcare Ltd also  called on the
minister on the same day.
