Corporate Engagement Project: Myanmar/Burma Report


"...a team of three (Mary B. Anderson, President of the Collaborative for Development Action; Doug Fraser, Independent Consultant; and Luc Zandvliet, Project Director of CEP) traveled to Myanmar from October 18 ? 30, 2002 to visit the Yadana pipeline project, operated by TotalFinaElf (TFE). Our purpose, as in all our visits, was to examine the interaction between corporate operations and surrounding communities, as well as the impact of corporate operations on the wider context of conflict. While our focus was on these interactions at many levels, our review inevitably also included a consideration of the corporation?s effects on the human rights situation in the region of the pipeline and beyond in the country at large. ...this visit was focused on analyzing present operations and policies and their positive or negative consequences on people living in the contexts of operations. This focus follows the same approach... This visit was the first CEP visit to the Yadana Project in what is planned as a series of three. We invite feedback on the observations laid out in this report. We hope, as well, that this report will contribute to broader discussions within the company and between the company and stakeholders, on the options for corporate engagement in the Myanmar/Burma context. CONCLUSION: "The participation of TFE in the Corporate Engagement Project consists of three visits for the duration of the program (ending at the end of 2003). This report forms the beginning of that process. As this report will be a public, we welcome constructive feedback and reactions. This will allow us to be better informed and prepared for a next visit to Myanmar/Burma in the spring of 2003. The Myanmar/Burma operations confront TFE with the inevitability to make choices about the manner in which it wants to operate: maintaining the current status quo is not going to improve the company?s relationship with external stakeholders. Meanwhile, adaptation of the operational strategy in Myanmar offers viable options and opportunities to ?get it right”. The incentives for achieving mutual agreement with external stakeholders about the role of the company in Myanmar/Burma are rewarding; if the company is successful in Myanmar, the process of achieving this may contribute to setting a new standard for the industry."


Anderson, Mary B.; Fraser, Doug; Zandvliet, Luc


Corporate Options: Constructive Engagement in Conflict Zones

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