Maldives hires Amal Clooney to represent Rohingya at UN


British-Lebanese lawyer said she is delighted to represent the Rohingya before the International Court of Justice.


"The Maldives has hired the services of prominent human rights lawyer Amal Clooney to represent the persecuted Rohingya at the United Nations court. "I am delighted to have been asked to represent the Maldives before the International Court of Justice [ICJ]. Accountability for genocide in Myanmar is long overdue and I look forward to working on this important effort to seek judicial remedies for Rohingya survivors," the British-Lebanese lawyer said. More: Will the ICJ order Myanmar to stop alleged Rohingya genocide? 'Great news': Bangladesh allows education for Rohingya children 'Justice served': Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh hail ICJ ruling Clooney is married to Hollywood actor George Clooney. The Maldives said it will file a written declaration of intervention at the ICJ supporting the Rohingya, a persecuted Muslim minority in Myanmar. "In line with the decision taken at the 14th Islamic Summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation [OIC], the Republic of Maldives intends to extend its support for the efforts to seek accountability for the acts of genocide committed against the Rohingya people," Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid said..."


"Al Jazeera" (Qatar)

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Myanmar, Bangladesh

Administrative areas of Burma/Myanmar: 

Rakhine State



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