MAP Foundation


" In 1996 thousands of migrants were working in Chiang Mai building the hotels, housing estates, and hospitals which now cover the city. At the time there were almost no services available to migrants and when they needed to go to hospital they faced difficulties with language and costs. Migrant Assistance Programme (MAP) started to develop a group of migrants who could interpret in hospitals and provide some health education prevention and promotion on migrant work-sites, mainly construction sites. As MAP became part of the migrant community, the range of issues facing migrant workers became apparent and the activities of MAP expanded to respond to these issues. In 2002 MAP became a registered Thai foundation, taking the Thai name: "Foundation for the Health and Knowledge of Ethnic Labour" but keeping the already English name MAP which had already become familiar with migrant communities..."


MAP Foundation

Date of entry: 



  • Websites/Multiple Documents



Burmese, English, Karen, Shan, Thai.