Mergui-Tavoy Situation Update: Ta Naw Th?Ree Township, January to May 2015


"This Situation Update describes events and issues occurring in Ta Naw Th?Ree Township, Mergui-Tavoy District, during the period of January to May 2015, including military activity, access to education, and access to healthcare... In Ta Naw Th?Ree Township, the Tatmadaw have been using horses to transport rations to the border areas... A group of Burma/Myanmar government staff from Military Security Affairs, which is the Burma/Myanmar government?s intelligence agency, have also been active in the township, trying to gather intelligence on the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)... A local, anti-malaria community group entered the area and treated those who were suffering from malaria. A local non-governmental organisation (NGO) came once a month and provided vaccinations to the mothers and children in the villages. KNU health workers also visited the villages and provided medical treatment to the villagers... The Burma/Myanmar government is investing in the local government schools and sending their own trained teachers to teach in them. The Karen Education Department (KED) supports the Karen schools in Ta Naw Th?Ree Township by providing materials such as pens, notebooks, pencils, and clothes for the teachers..."


Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG)

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