Migrant Workers: Report of the Special Rapporteur, Ms. Gabriela Rodríguez Pizarro,


Executive summary: The present report is submitted in accordance with Commission on Human Rights resolution 2003/46. During the period under review the Special Rapporteur continued to receive information on the human rights of migrants and to exchange communications with Governments. A summary of the communications sent and responses received is contained in annex 1 to this report. The Special Rapporteur visited Spain and Morocco. Reports on those visits are contained in annexes 3 and 4 respectively. A summary of all the meetings and events attended by the Special Rapporteur since January 2003 is contained in her report to the General Assembly (A/58/275). During the period not covered by that report, the Special Rapporteur participated in other such activities. On 6 June 2003, the Special Rapporteur requested information on the situation of migrants employed in domestic service (hereinafter ?migrant domestic workers”, the term including persons of both sexes) by means of a questionnaire distributed to all the permanent missions in Geneva, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), United Nations and other pertinent agencies and programmes and international experts in this area of work.


United Nations (E/CN.4/2004/76)

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