Pages with references to "Rakhine" from "The Global New Light of Myanmar" 5 July 2019


"The Government fully acknowledges the remaining challenges to overcome and the need for continued endeavours. He pointed out that those who are living through the transition in Myanmar enjoy the widening democratic space and view the progress differently from those who observe it from the outside. “In Myanmar, the voices of people from all walks of life and every part of the region are heard at the highest level”, he stated. Speaking about the freedom of expression and media, high penetration of mobile phone, internet and social media as among the most visible areas of change in Myanmar, he emphasized the need to strike a balance between “Security and Freedom”, “Rights and Responsibilities”. With regard to the issue in Rakhine State, Permanent Representative explained that the current Government is fully aware of its primary responsibility and has placed the issue as upmost priority since day-one. He underlined that, alongside the Rakhine Advisory Commission’s recommendations, the work of the Independent Commission of Enquiry is important guiding light for the resolution and that Myanmar is taking “holistic and inclusive approach for finding sustainable solution”. He expressed deep sympathy and concern for displaced persons from all communities and reiterated Myanmar’s readiness to receive the verified returnees since 23 January 2018, as agreed in the bilateral Arrangements. He also emphasized the urgent need to commence expeditious repatriation. “Anyone should not turn a blind eye on Myanmar’s genuine and concerted efforts for enabling the repatriation,” he called on the Council..."


Myanmar Ministry of Information via "The Global New Light of Myanmar"

Date of Publication: 


Date of entry: 



  • Individual Documents


Geographic coverage: 

    • Rakhine State





Local URL: 




931.95 KB

Resource Type: 


Text quality: 

    • Good