Burma Action Groups, Expatriate Groups, Round Tables etc.

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Websites/Multiple Documents

Description: "All Burma Students' Democratic Front (ABSDF) is a Burmese Students organisation formed in 1988 at Thai-Burma border after the nationwide uprising in Burma. ABSDF aimed to achieve democracy and human rights in Burma. The Australian chapter of ABSDF was formed in 1997 to support the actions of ABSDF by fund raising, doing campaigns and activities in Australia joining with Burmese organisations and support groups." Note_NO APPARENT ACTIVITY SINCE JULY 2009
Date of entry/update: 2010-07-04
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Burmese, English
Description: The Burma Campaign UK has a good list of activist links which is updated regularly. Organised by country and various themes
Source/publisher: The Burma Campaign UK
Date of entry/update: 2010-02-16
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: 2009-2014. Plus actif. Groupe de soutien belge. Beaucoup de documents tres utiles sur le site. "De website "Actions Birmanie" heeft als ambitie de sensibilisering van het Belgische publiek inzake de Birmaanse situatie waar het volk al bijna 40 jaar lang ontzegd wordt van enige democratische inspraak en repressief onderdrukt wordt door een militaire junta. De website geeft een nadere verklaring van de politieke en economische factoren op het Birmaanse toneel en tracht aan ieder de mogelijkheid te geven om de Birmaanse democraten en hun leider Mevr. Aung San Suu Kyi (Nobelprijs voor de vrede 1991) een helpende hand te bieden in hun pacifistische strijd voor het herstel van de democratie. Namelijk: -door het verstrekken van informatie aan de toeristen die zich in dit land wensen te begeven. -door het informeren van het grote publiek van de akties ondernomen door "Actions Birmanie". -door het aanklagen van de aanwezigheid van ondernemingen zoals TOTALFINA die de repressieve junta ondersteunen. Actions Birmanie, le site Le site d?Actions Birmanie a pour ambition de sensibiliser le public � la situation v�cue par le peuple birman qui se voit depuis bient�t quarante ans d�nier tout droit d�mocratique et est la victime d?une junte militaire particuli�rement r�pressive. Il explique les enjeux politiques et �conomiques de la question birmane et donne � chacun des moyens d?agir pour aider les d�mocrates birmans et leur leader Mme Aung San Suu Kyi (prix Nobel de la paix 1991) dans leur lutte pacifique pour le retour � la d�mocratie. Notamment... - en informant les touristes qui veulent se rendre dans ce pays - en d�non�ant la pr�sence de firmes comme TOTALFINA qui contribuent � renforcer le pouvoir de la junte - en informant le public des actions entreprises chez nous pour relayer les d�mocrates birmans Enfin, il pr�sente les actions de diff�rents mouvements qui oeuvrent pour la Birmanie... en Belgique francophone: - l?Action Birmanie Coh�rence qui milite au sein de l?UCL pour une politique coh�rente de soutien aux d�mocrates birmans, - l?Action P�trole ou Birmanie qui met en garde les consommateurs � l?encontre du groupe p�trolier Total-Fina, sponsor principal de la dictature Birmane, - l?Association des Elus pour la Birmanie qui regroupe des parlementaires d�sireux d?apporter un appui � leurs coll�gues birmans emprisonn�s et qui travaille � faire interdire par l?Union Europ�enne toute relation commerciale avec la Birmanie...Actions Birmanie?s site aims at increasing awareness, among the francophone public, of the situation of the people of Burma who for nearly 40 years have been denied all democratic rights under the particularly repressive rule of a military junta. It attempts to highlight the political and economic factors at stake in the Burmese crisis and to suggest means of actions to help the Burmese democrats and their leader Aung San Suu Kyi (Nobel Peace Prize 1991) in their non-violent struggle to restore democracy. These actions are, for instance - To inform tourists who wish to visit the country - To denounce the presence of companies like TotalFinaElf, whose investment and presence reinforce the power of the junta - To inform the public of steps taken at home to relay the message of Burmese democrats It presents the initiatives of different groups working for Burma..."
Source/publisher: Actions Birmanie
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Francais, French, Nederlands, English
Description: "...The former name of the All Burma Federation of Student Unions was the All Burma Students? Union(ABSU). It was formed in March 1936 and initiated by Gen Aung San and other student leaders under the colonial rule. In Burmese political background,ABSU and student unions were very active and key role for the Burmese Independent Movements. After the National Independent Movement, ABSU had struggled for internal peace and national reconciliation amongst the national forces and political parties.Moreover,ABSU had fight for the national education system in order to against the governments? poor educational policy. So ABSU and other student unions were crackdown by the government and went underground in 1949. In 1950, secret meetings were held in an effort to revitalize the ABSU. In 1951, despite the atmosphere of oppression and the dissent sowed by the government crackdown, students banded together to form the All Burma Federation of Student Unions (ABFSU)..."
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Has the more recent ALTSEAN Bulletins and thematic reports
Source/publisher: Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (ALTSEAN-Burma)
Date of entry/update: 2003-11-21
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English. Sometimes Burmese and Thai
Description: SEARCH FO9R "BURMA"....Databases, documentation on Asia and Europe-Asia relations. Magazines from the South. Access to books and articles in the Asiahouse library and sales of German-language books on Burma in the online bookstore... Zentrum für Information und Begegnung. Datenbankrecherche zu Büchern und Aufsätzen zu Burma in der Asienhausbibliothek und Angebot aller deutschsprachigen Titel im Online-Buchladen des Asienhauses. There?s also an unmoderated Discussion-group
Source/publisher: Asien House
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English, Deutsch, German
Description: Nouvelles sur la Birmanie, documents en francais de l?ONU, BIT etc. "Créée en janvier 1992 par un groupe de personnes passionnées par la Birmanie, l?Association s?est donné pour mission d?apporter aide et soutien aux peuples opprimés de ce pays et de faire entendre leur voix. En 1993 déjà, elle s?est fait connaître du grand public par l?organisation de la mission des Prix Nobel de la Paix auprès du siège genevois de l?ONU... Ses buts sont : Faire connaître les différents aspects du pays (politique, social, culturel) soutenir les mouvements démocratiques de Birmanie; apporter une aide concrète aux populations, en particulier celles des minorités ethniques en difficulté. Ses activités sont : l?organisation de conférences publiques thématiques sur les réalités actuelles de la Birmanie; la diffusion du "Guide alternatif: Birmanie", ainsi que de diverses publications et livres. l?accueil et le soutien des démocrates de Birmanie dans leurs démarches auprès des Organisations Internationales, notamment à l?occasion des sessions de la Commission des Droits de l?Homme et de ses Sous-Commissions; l?appui à la campagne, appelant au boycott économique et financier du gouvernement militaire du SPDC/SLORC, lancée par la leader des démocrates (Aung San Suu Kyi), aussi longtemps que des négociations sérieuses pour le transfert du pouvoir ne seront entamées; la récolte de fonds pour soutenir les populations nécessiteuses..."
Source/publisher: Association Suisse-Birmanie
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Francais, French
Description: Website last updated in September 1999
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "Das Austrian Burma Center ist seit 2004 ein eingetragener Verein in �sterreich. In Zusammenarbeit mit Exilburmesen verschiedener ethnischer Herkunft und Burma-Experten in Europa engagieren wir uns für Demokratie, Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe. Wir setzen uns bei der österreichischen Regierung für Freiheit in Burma ein. Weiters sind wir in der �ffentlichkeits- und Bildungsarbeit aktiv..."...NOT MUCH ON THE SITE. MORE ON THEIR YOUTUBE PAGE -- SEE ALTERNATE URL
Source/publisher: Austrian Burma Center
Date of entry/update: 2010-02-16
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: German, Deutsch
Description: Professional site with a lot of content in Italian. Documents, campaigns etc.
Source/publisher: Birmania Democratica
Date of entry/update: 2010-02-16
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Italiano, Italian
Description: La Campana por la Libertad de los Pueblos de Birmania. Desde este lugar se denuncia la terrible situaci�n en la que se encuentran los 50 millones de birmanos que viven bajo uno de los reg�menes m�s atroces del mundo. En ella se puede encontrar enlaces de inter�s relacionados con ete pa�s asi�tico, documentos, textos de an�lisis, informaciones de actualidad, fotos y c�mo realizar voluntariado en el terreno.
Source/publisher: La Campana por la Libertad de los Pueblos de Birmania
Date of entry/update: 2010-09-27
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Espanol, some English.
Description: Website and blog...Birmania por la paz es un proyecto de GANDHIJI CULTURAL, entidad sin ánimo de lucro inscrita en el Registro de organizaciones no gubernamentales para el desarrollo, con el número 170 de la Agéncia Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Inscrita legalmente en el Registro de Entidades Jurídicas de la Generalitat de Catalunya con el número 27469. GANDHIJI está inspirada en el profundo sentido de la paz, la noviolencia, la justicia, la libertad, la democracia y el respecto a los derechos humanos. La defensa de estos principios constituye nuestro principal patrimonio, fortaleciendo e inspirando todas nuestras misiones, actuaciones o proyectos, siendo nuestra motivación y existencia fundamental la lucha por la paz, la libertad y los derechos humanos. Los objetivos de BIRMANIA POR LA PAZ, son: * Trabajar por la restauración de los derechos humanos y la democracia en Birmania, mediante acciones que conduzcan a impedir inversiones económicas y turísticas ( incluyendo presiones para sanciones). * Informar y sensibilizar a la opinión publica, sobre asuntos relativos a Birmania. * Ejercer presión internacional, estatal, autonómica, europea, Sudeste asiático(ASEAN) y Naciones Unidas. * Prestar ayuda humanitaria y cooperación
Source/publisher: Birmania Por La Paz
Date of entry/update: 2008-05-08
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Espanol
Description: INACTIVE SITE...The Seattle Campaign for a Free Burma. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has" -Margaret Mead. Campus and local action; good photos on site; links
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "Burma Action Ireland was set up in May 1996 to raise awareness of the current situation in Burma and the repressive nature of the ruling regime, currently named the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC). It is composed of individuals involved in development, human rights and justice issues. The association is non-party political, non-denominational and committed to non-violent means. It does not take policy positions on issues unrelated to Burma. Membership is open to individuals and organisations who accept the aims and objectives of BAI and who pay the annual subscription..... OUR MAIN OBJECTIVES: 1. Campaign for democracy and human rights in Burma and for the immediate initiation of dialogue between the ruling SPDC, the National League for Democracy (NLD) and the leaders of the ethnic nationalities which would lead to a new constitution, democratic government and the ending of internal conflicts; the release of all political prisoners of conscience and full respect for human rights;the safe return of all refugees to their homes with international protection; 2. Inform the people of Ireland about the situation in Burma and seek their active involvement; 3. Provide material and moral assistance to those forces within Burma and exile who work for democracy and human rights; 4. Lobby the Irish government on its stand on Burma in international fora; 5. Take whatever other legitimate steps necessary for the achievement of its aims. This website brings you information on all the latest activities and happenings in Ireland and abroad on behalf of concerned individuals and groups working to create awareness of Burma. The website shows how you can get involved and informs you of the many activities that Burma Action Ireland are currently involved with. By clicking any of the links above you can inform yourself of the situation in Burma and learn where it is and why the attention of the world remains fixed on its progress. Most importantly, you can learn how you can help..."
Source/publisher: Burma Action, Ireland
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "The mission of BCP is to contribute to the democratization of Burma and the respect for human rights. It seeks to improve the lives of people in Burma and Burmese in exile by analyzing the situation in Burma and by informing and involving the European public; by serving as a bridge between Europe and Burma; by providing needed services for Burmese, in particular capacity building and facilitating the integration of refugees; and by supporting the empowerment and active participation of Burmese for the transition of Burma. Our activities emphasize the importance of human rights and the necessity to provide the population with basic tools enabling it to survive and to receive fundamental goods, such as education, health care and legal security. Also it is assumed that genuine democracy and the respect for human rights are preconditions for development and equal distribution of wealth in Burma. We act in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations and the UN Millennium Development Goals... Includes an online Burmese-English, English-Burmese dictionary and a useful weekly collection of news articles you can sign up for.
Source/publisher: Burma Center, Prague
Date of entry/update: 2010-02-16
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English, Czech, Burmese
Description: One of the leading Burma activist/lobby groups in Europe. Newly-furbished website. Dutch.
Source/publisher: Burma Centrum Nederland
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Nederlands
Description: Photos, videos, reports, campaigns etc.... "Learning from the 1988 popular uprising, 1996 student demonstrations, 1998 student demonstrations, and 2007 saffron revolutions; the need of political environment inside Burma is extremely essential to pressure the regime persistently to do reform and also to educate the people about their rights and mobilize them. Burma Democratic Concern believes that the solution for the crisis of Burma is restoring democracy and rule of law. Burma Democratic Concern is embarking on flourishing democracy in Burma where everyone can enjoy the freedom of speech, press, beliefs, assembly and rule of law that emphasizes the protection of individual rights. Burma Democratic Concern is equipped with participants who had political background and in depth knowledge of Burma issues. They had experiences in the past and engaging in current activities. They have the firm determination to carry on doing until the democracy restore in Burma. The work is largely inspired by their experiences and the appalling conditions they encountered inside Burma. Burma Democratic Concern members are human rights activists and student activists consistently attempting to defend the human rights abuses in Burma."
Source/publisher: Burma Democratic Concern
Date of entry/update: 2009-02-09
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English, Burmese
Description: INACCESSIBLE, FEBRUARY 2010...US activist website dealing with Burma. Material and links to newsarticles, politics, corporate involvement, US foreign policy and Aung San Suu Kyi. dynamic site. Easy to read - no dark blue on blue
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Documents in Japanese and English: General Information; Sanctions against Burma; Health Problems; Economy; Forced Labor in Burma; Ethnicity; Guns and Drugs; Gender and Sexualities; Human Rights and Freedoms. Also, "Burma Today Weekly" (Japanese edition). Very useful site.
Source/publisher: Burmainfo (Japan)
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Japanese, English
Description: Activities: Training and Education / Workers / BLSO School / News Bulletins / archive]
Source/publisher: Burma Labour Solidarity Organization (BLSO)
Date of entry/update: 2008-12-30
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Our Vision: Burma Partnership envisions a free and democratic Burma that upholds the principles of human rights, equality and justice. We believe in collaboration and a participatory approach to advocacy as a key element in bringing about democratic change in Burma... Our Mission: Burma Partnership is a network of organizations throughout the Asia-Pacific region, advocating for and mobilizing a movement for democracy and human rights in Burma. We draw our strength from the diversity of our partners, from the multi-ethnic leadership of political and civil society organizations both inside Burma and in exile, to our partners and broad-based solidarity organizations throughout the region... What We Do: * Promote collaboration between Burma?s movement for democracy and rights for ethnic nationalities and solidarity organizations in the Asia-Pacific region; * Facilitate coordination amongst Burma groups and solidarity organizations for more participatory and effective advocacy; * Assist border-based groups in their media outreach and advocacy efforts; and * Produce and disseminate comprehensive and timely information and resources that are reflective of the positions, priorities and efforts of the movement... Who We Are: Burma Partnership is comprised of the following Working Group members: Burmese Alliance Organizations: Forum for Democracy in Burma (FDB); Nationalities Youth Forum (NYF); Students and Youth Congress of Burma (SYCB); Regional Solidarity Networks: Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (Altsean-Burma); Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum-Asia); Asia Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC)...includes a blog
Source/publisher: Burma Partnership
Date of entry/update: 2010-05-22
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Relief- and Buddhist-oriented
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Online Newsletter
Source/publisher: Burma Support Group
Date of entry/update: 2005-02-26
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Edmonton (Canada) Burma group. "We are a group of people, including Canadians and Burmese, who sympathize with and have concern for people suffering inside Burma. In 1989, we founded Burma Watch International, a society for human rights, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Our objectives are: To develop among our members a recognition of the importance of human rights in the Union of Burma. To promote public awareness of the social, cultural, political and economic life of the people in Burma. To promote and provide humanitarian assistance to those in need, especially refugees. In order to achieve our objectives we are willing to work closely with all organizations and individuals who share our goals of democratic reforms and human rights in Burma..."
Source/publisher: Burmawatch
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Activist site involved in a number of campaigns. West Coast focus. Chronology from 1057 to 2001, page on trafficking...
Source/publisher: Burmese American Democratic Alliance
Date of entry/update: 2003-07-27
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: 2128 Missouri Avenue, Flint, MI 48506-3797, U.S.A. Tel (+1-810) 341 6960 Fax (+1-810) 341 6989 Email [email protected] "BRC-USA provides encouragement and material support for pro-democracy activists and the hundreds of thousands of displaced civilians made homeless by the military junta's brutal campaigns of ethnic cleansing. BRC-USA seeks to combine consciousness raising with effective action to promote human rights and to raise funds for humanitarian assistance".
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "Canadian Friends of Burma is a national non-governmental organization founded in 1991 as an outcome of a Canadian NGO seminar about Burma. In partnership with solidarity organizations at home and abroad, CFOB works for the cause of peace, human rights and democracy in Burma. Its primary objectives are to raise awareness about the political, human rights and socio-economic conditions in Burma and to encourage more Canadians to take action in this regard. CFOB supports Canadian groups engaged in Burma educational activities, produces educational materials about Burma, and monitors the involvement of Canadian businesses. Accordingly, CFOB has become an important national locus of NGO and grassroots activity and government relations..."
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Useful site with reports on IDPs, narcotics, human rights, relief missions etc. Good links page. Prayer days for Burma
Source/publisher: Christians Concerned for Burma
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "Building a democratic society based on freedom, national reconciliation, social justice, equality and human rights. The Democratic Party for a New Society (DPNS) was formed in October 1988 in order to continue Burma's unfinished democratic struggle, which was suppressed by the brutal military regime. The DPNS, with a large support base amongst the youth, including students, has played a vital role in 1990s. With its firm objectives, the DPNS demanded that the military regime, the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC), must allow for the formation of an interim government, the fair and free multi-party elections and fundamental democratic rights. Many young people shared their aspirations with the DPNS and it became the second largest party in Burma, approximately 250,000 members and more than 120 branch offices countrywide. The DPNS was the second largest party next to the National League for Democracy (NLD) led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, though it allies with the NLD, and is closely working for its political campaigns. The DPNS along with the students unions, supported Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's civil disobedience campaigns and assisted strengthening the NLD's election campaigns. Despite the DPNS as a strong grassroots supported party, the party decided rather to favor the NLD for a landslide victory and not split votes between the NLD and the DPNS. After the 1990 election, the military regime mainly targeted the DPNS and severely suppressed the party's political activities by arresting a number of its members, approximately 1,500 of its core members, included the party leaders were detained. Many of the party members were sentenced to long prison terms with hard labors. Until now, about a hundred are still behind bars in various prisons throughout Burma. As a result the DPNS Central Committee made a decision to move its headquarters into the liberated area along the Burma-Thailand border in order to continue its struggle against the military regime. The party reestablished its political headquarters in November 1991 at Manerplaw near the Burma-Thailand border where many democratic organizations and the ethnic armed forces were stationed and were fighting against the military regime. Later, the party joined and became an active member of the Democratic Alliance of Burma (DAB), and the National Council of the Union of Burma (NCUB). The Party leaders took up various leading roles in those organizations. Currently the DPNS is working to strengthen civil society inside Burma, advocating for democracy and human rights in Burma while continuing to secure its ethnic and international allies. At the same time, the DPNS is building up the capacities of party members with educational and professional trainings (organizational and management skills; policy studies; public administration; and international relations and diplomacy) to be a competent professional political party in the future Burma."
Source/publisher: DPNS
Date of entry/update: 2003-12-24
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English, Burmese
Description: Burma democracy blog in Indonesia
Source/publisher: Demokrasi Untuk Burma
Date of entry/update: 2010-02-17
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Indonesian
Description: Close links with trade unions. The Danish Burma Committee was founded in 1992 by former president of the Danish Food and Allied Workers' Union, Mr. Anton Johannsen... The Danish Burma Committee has 17 member organisations, and is open to any organisation, who support the objectives: * To support the Burmese opposition * To create awareness about the situation in Burma * To lobby for support at the political level * To carry out projects that are promoting democracy and human rights issues in Burma..."
Source/publisher: Den Danske Burma Komité
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Danish, Dansk, English
Description: Den norske Burmakomités hovedformål er å fremme demokratisk utvikling i Burma. Dette gjøres gjennom støtte til prosjekter i Burma og burmesere i eksil, samt opplysnings- og pådriverarbeid i Norge. NBK skal være et ressurs- og kompetansesenter i Norge... Hovedside; Om NBK; Presse; Bakgrunn; Tema; Linker; Kontakt oss......"The Norwegian Burma Committee (NBC) is a Norwegian NGO working only with Burma. NBC focuses both on information and advocacy work in Norway and development work on the border to and inside Burma..."
Source/publisher: Den norske Burmakomite,
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Norsk, English
Description: Contains several articles on Burma, including reports on missions of the Freeburma Rangers. More than 20 photo essays of civil war victims, destroyed villages, forced labour, relief missions etc.
Source/publisher: Dictator Watch
Date of entry/update: 2003-07-11
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Site bien construit - facile a lire et a naviguer, plein de documents importants en francais et anglais sur la Birmanie: -- les karens, les compagnies petrolieres, l?histoire, etc. Fast site (the architect is not addicted to heavy, slow-loading graphics)
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Francais, English
Description: "EarthRights International?s Burma Project collects vital on-the-ground information about the human rights and environmental situation in Burma. Since 1995, ERI has worked in Burma to monitor the impacts of the military regime?s policies and activities on local populations and ecosystems. ERI?s staff has gathered a vast body of valuable, rare information about the state of the military regime?s war on its peoples and its environment. Through gathering testimonies, grassroots organizing, and distributing information through campaign work, the Burma Project has made a significant contribution to human rights and environment protection in Burma. Where possible, we link our grassroots fact-finding missions and community organizing with regional and international level advocacy and campaigning. We work alongside affected community groups to prevent human rights and environmental abuses associated with large-scale development projects in Burma. Currently, the Burma Project focuses on large-scale dams, oil and gas development, and mining. We share experiences and resources with local communities, as well as provide assistance relevant to community needs. Over the past 10 years the Burma Project has raised awareness about the alarming depletion of resources in Burma and their relationship to a vast array of human rights abuses, as well as the local, national, and regional implications of these practices."...Sections on Dams, Mining, Oil & Gas and Other Areas of Work.
Source/publisher: EarthRights International
Date of entry/update: 2010-08-20
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "Working to promote democracy in Burma... The work of the EBO is: 1. To help the Burmese democracy movement prepare for a transition to democracy; 2. To keep the international community informed about the situation in Burma..." News archive from July 2007.
Source/publisher: Euro-Burma Office
Date of entry/update: 2009-02-18
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English. News in: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Description: Free Burma Campaign, South Africa (FBCSA) is a grassroots organization based on non-violence principle supporting to the people of Burma for their struggle of democracy, justice and freedom. It does not belong to any political belief, and groups, but only to grassroots particularly under oppressive regime...FBCSA supports justice, democracy, human rights and freedom regardless of region, creed, belief and gender. This website is surviving with the firm solidarity support of grassroots people who have empathy to the struggle of people from Burma. This website belongs to grassroots people
Source/publisher: FBC-SA
Date of entry/update: 2010-02-17
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "Towards an open society in Burma/Myanmar through interactions and integration"...NO UPDATES SINCE FEBRUARY 2009
Source/publisher: Free Burma Coalition
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "... The Free Burma Rangers is an organization dedicated to freedom for the people of Burma. "De Oppresso Liber" is the motto of the Free Burma Rangers and we are dedicated in faith to the establishment of liberty, justice, equal rights and peace for all the people of Burma. The Free Burma Rangers support the restoration of democracy, ethnic rights and the implementation of the International Declaration of Human Rights in Burma. We stand with those who desire a nation where God's gifts of life, liberty, justice, pursuit of happiness and peace are ensured for all... MISSION: The mission of the Free Burma Rangers is to bring help, hope and love to the oppressed people of Burma. Its mission is also to help strengthen civil society, inspire and develop leadership that serves the people and act as a voice for the oppressed... ACTIONS: The Free Burma Rangers (FBR), conduct relief, advocacy, leadership development and unity missions among the people of Burma... Relief: ..."...FBR has issued some of the best documented reports on internal displacement/forced migration
Source/publisher: Free Burma Rangers
Date of entry/update: 2004-05-21
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Cr??e en 1996, Info-Birmanie est une association loi 1901 ? but non lucratif, n?e de la volont? de responsables associatifs et de citoyens soucieux de promouvoir le respect des droits de l?Homme et d?apporter aide et soutien aux peuples opprim?s de Birmanie. Centre d?information et de plaidoyer, Info Birmanie a pour principale mission d?informer et de sensibiliser ? la situation politique, ?conomique et sociale en Birmanie. En ?troite collaboration avec des membres de l?opposition d?mocrate birmane en France et ? l??tranger, Info Birmanie entend promouvoir la paix, la d?mocratie et les droits de l?homme en Birmanie. Nos actions visent ? : Valoriser aupr?s du gouvernement fran?ais et l?Union europ?enne le mod?le politique alternatif port? par le mouvement d?mocrate birman; Alerter les institutions fran?aises et europ?ennes des violations des droits de l?homme perp?tr?es par le r?gime birman; Sensibiliser la population fran?aise sur la situation politique, ?conomique et sociale en Birmanie en organisant divers ?v?nements publics Que fait Info Birmanie ? Collecte, analyse et diffuse des informations sur la situation politique, ?conomique et sociale de la Birmanie Accueille les personnes qui souhaitent consulter sa documentation. Organise des manifestations publiques, des conf?rences, des d?bats, des projections… Relaie le mouvement de solidarit? international et participe aux r?unions europ?ennes de soutien aux d?mocrates birmans. Contacte et coop?re avec les organismes, en France et ? l??tranger, qui œuvrent pour les droits de l?Homme et l?aide humanitaire en Birmanie. ?tablit des relations avec les institutions nationales et internationales. D?veloppe des projets et des actions pour construire l?amiti? franco-birmane. Coordonne le Comit? de soutien ? Aung San Suu Kyi
Source/publisher: Info Birmanie
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Francais, French
Description: Campaigns on Burma
Source/publisher: Initiatives for International Dialogue
Date of entry/update: 2010-02-17
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "ADVOCATING AND AMPLIFYING THE VOICE OF THE ROHINGYA WITH INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, GOVERNMENTS, CORPORATIONS, AND CIVIL SOCIETY...The Rohingya are a Muslim minority group from the northern Rakhine State in western Burma. Despite having lived in Burma for generations, the Rohingya are considered ?foreigners” by the Burmese government. The Burmese government has isolated the 1.3 million Rohingya in Burma. Burma?s 1982 Citizenship Act denies the Rohingya people citizenship. They are limited in their rights to marry, have children, work, obtain healthcare, and go to school. Fleeing violence, over 140,000 Rohingya live in what many describe as ?concentration camps” where they face severe restrictions and are denied basic necessities including medical care. Since 2012, an estimated 100,000 Rohingya have fled Burma by boat. Apart from the risk of drowning, many of those who flee fall into the hands of human traffickers, and are forced to work on rubber plantations or in the sex trade. Ultranationalist groups in Burma have also dehumanized the Rohingya through rampant hate speech. This demonization of the Rohingya, coupled with the government?s denial of their rights, has created an environment in Burma that, according to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, puts the Rohingya at grave risk of mass atrocities and even genocide..."
Date of entry/update: 2017-11-16
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: Focus on the Rohingya
Source/publisher: Maung Zarni?s blog
Date of entry/update: 2018-02-12
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Description: "a Buddhist-influenced humanist, father, husband, passionate activist, honest scholar, irreverent skeptic, as humanly flawed as anyone..."...Focus on the Rohingya
Source/publisher: Maung Zarni?s Twitter site
Date of entry/update: 2018-02-12
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Description: INACCESSIBLE, FEBRUARY 2010...Online newsletter every two months. Archive from June 2003. February 2004 issue: Editorial : : : National Reconciliation : : : Country--Outlook : : : ‘DAMNING? The Salween : : : FBC Statement : : : Abandoning Mandate : : : Charade : : : Cultural Vandalism : : : Convention Run-Up : : : Does Burma Need A New Constitution? : : : Amnesty Sums Up : : : Mining Expansion : : : Political Tentacles in Burma : : : Dealing With Burma?s Past is The Key to Its Future : : : And Now China ... : : : Financial Skulduggery
Source/publisher: NZ Burma Support,
Date of entry/update: 2004-04-13
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: International Network of Political Leaders Promoting Democracy in Burma. Lots of stuff on the site, including statements by parliamentarians, archive of "Burma Today" back to 97, calendar of Burma-related events, links to members, articles etc. Keywords: Members of Parliament, MPs, Aung San Suu Kyi, CRPP, NLD
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "Peace for Burma (PFB) is a coalition of Thai and Burmese civil society organisations working to promote democracy in Burma and assist those suffering under the Burmese regime and. Formed in response to the peaceful protests of August 2007 and the subsequent crackdown, the strong coordination between the groups working under the Peace for Burma coalition allows for assistance to those inside Burma to be carried out efficiently and safely. All of the coalition?s member organisations have longstanding experience working on human rights or humanitarian issues in Thailand, Burma, or regionally – they are listed below with their website details. Burmese member organisations maintain regular contact with sources inside Burma, and have networks to deliver aid to those who need it most..."
Source/publisher: Peace for Burma
Date of entry/update: 2011-03-06
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English, Burmese
Description: Site entirely in Japanese
Date of entry/update: 2011-01-12
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Japanese
Description: "Project Maje is an independent information project on Burma's human rights and environmental issues. It was founded by its project director, Edith T. Mirante in 1986." Reports on site in pdf and Text
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Description: Stowarzyszenie "Solidarność Polsko-Birmańska" zostało zarejestrowane w dniu 19.01.2005 r. Powstało z inicjatywy Birmańczyków związanych z Polską, osób zainteresowanych problemami Birmy oraz organizacji o podobnym charakterze działających w krajach Europy Zachodniej, szczególnie organizacji holenderskiej BCN [Burma Centrum Nederlands]. Stowarzyszenie jest członkiem międzynarodowej organizacji EBN [Euro Burma Network] - jednostki koordynującej pracę wszystkich organizacji pracujących na rzecz Birmy w Europie. Statutowe cele Stowarzyszenia są następujące: 1. Propagowanie rzetelnych informacji o obecnej sytuacji politycznej w Birmie/Myanmarze. 2. Uzyskanie lobby wśród władz RP na rzecz demokracji i przestrzegania praw człowieka w Birmie. 3. Wspieranie kształtowania kierunku polityki Unii Europejskiej w stosunku do Birmy/Myanmaru. 4. Kształtowanie świadomości publicznej odnośnie przestrzegania praw człowieka w Birmie/Myanmarze. 5. Działalność charytatywna, edukacyjna i rozwojowa. 6. Popularyzowanie wiedzy dotyczącej kultury regionu. Stowarzyszenie realizuje ww. cele przez gromadzenie, analizę i udostępnianie informacji do wiadomości publicznej, działalność informacyjną, wydawniczą oraz prowadzenie strony internetowej, a także spotkania, prelekcje i wystąpienia publiczne. Działalność Stowarzyszenia finansowana jest ze składek członkowskich, dobrowolne darowizny sponsorów oraz pomoc finansową organizacji o podobnym profilu.
Source/publisher: Solidarność Polsko-Birmańska
Date of entry/update: 2005-03-31
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: Polish
Description: "The Best Friend was founded in 1999 as The Best Friend Group of Literature, by two concerned monks with the purpose of encouraging people to become more educated, aware and active in the struggle for peace and freedom in Burma. The main belief is that education can open up people?s ears and eyes and is THE way to eradicate poverty. At one point, The Best Friend operated fifteen libraries inside Burma. The libraries provided both monks and laypersons access to uncensored information and literature. Apart from that, they were meeting places where people could discuss freely. The Best Friend also teaches languages, such as English, French, Japanese and Burmese. The Burmese military regime has been closely monitoring and controlling the activities of politically active people, especially since the 2007 Saffron Revolution. Many of the members and volunteers of The Best Friend were forced to leave Burma to avoid persecution. Several people, also monks, were arrested and are currently imprisoned. Simply for the crime of providing information and discussing about politics and freedom. Today, only three of the fifteen libraries are still in operation. King Zero and Ashin Sopaka, the founders of The Best Friend, moved to the Thai border town Mae Sot and opened the first Best Friend Library in Thailand in 2008. Apart from Thailand, The Best Friend has spread to many other countries in the world and has now active groups in The Netherlands, in Switzerland and Canada. It is legally registered as The Best International e.V. in Germany and is active raising awareness about the situation in Burma and giving information to people who wish to support the organization. From its new base in Thailand, The Best Friend is developing projects supporting the many Burmese refugees in the area. In 2010, the Mobile Health Care Program was launched and the Relocation Project ? to help illegal refugee families move away from the Mae Sot rubbish dump ? was set up. The Best Friend also offers many classes, such as English language classes, computer and sewing courses, Dhamma teachings and children?s classes. All teachers work voluntarily and all classes are free of charge..."
Source/publisher: The Best Friend
Date of entry/update: 2012-02-25
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "TBC, formerly Burma Action Group UK, campaigns for human rights and democracy in Burma. TBC works for the freedom of all the peoples of Burma regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or age. We provide analysis to the media and government, and we lobby and campaign to improve government and commercial policy on Burma. Objectives: TBC aims to achieve the restoration of human rights and democracy in Burma through; the discouragement of trade, investment and tourism (including pressure for sanctions), the raising of public awareness of issues relating to Burma in order to exert international pressure on the UK government, on the European Union EU), the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the United Nations (UN)."
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "is a human rights pressure group, lobbying to protect children's rights and the persecuted church".
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Description: "The U.S. Campaign for Burma is a U.S.-based membership organization dedicated to empowering grassroots activists around the world to bring about an end to the military dictatorship in Burma. Through public education, leadership development initiatives, conferences, and advocacy campaigns at local, national and international levels, USCB works to empower Americans and Burmese dissidents-in-exile to promote freedom, democracy, and human rights in Burma and raise awareness about the egregious human rights violations committed by Burma?s military regime. The leadership of USCB is comprised of seasoned human rights advocates, with experience both inside and outside the U.S. government. The board and staff, which include former Congressional staff, former Burmese political prisoners, and experienced advocates, are dedicated to increasing the profile of Burma and seeking solutions to the country?s decades-long conflict. The core strength of USCB—individual members, community chapters, student chapters, and affiliates across the United States--is Americans and Burmese dissidents-in-exile..."
Source/publisher: US Campaign for Burma
Date of entry/update: 2004-01-01
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
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Individual Documents

Description: "Locals in Mong Khok, eastern Shan State have demanded that a coal mining project in the area be stopped, citing negative impacts on some 2,000 people and the environment. According to ethnic Shan environmental organization Shan Sapawa, Mong Khok residents organized a prayer service at Hsai Mong pagoda on Tuesday. Sai Khur Hseng, a spokesperson for Shan Sapawa, said that if the coal extraction project is implemented, the population of six villages stands to suffer. “It will impact their livelihoods. Their houses will be damaged. There will be deforestation in the area,” he told NMG. “If the project is implemented, chemical waste will be left in the area. These are toxic substances. Therefore, local people organized a prayer service and called for a halt to this coal extraction project.” Action for Shan State Rivers released a statement this week saying that more than 2,500 Shan, Lahu and Akha people in Mong Khok stand to be displaced by the effects of coal mining on the area. Tuesday’s prayer service was to “protect [locals] from danger,” and for coal to be left in its place. “If coal is extracted, this will destroy our farmland and the water in the river,” the network wrote in the statement, quoting a local opposed to the project..."
Source/publisher: "Network Media Group" (Thailand)
Date of entry/update: 2019-10-26
Type: Individual Documents
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Sub-title: On October 2, hundreds of people – possibly even 1,000 – gathered in Maha Bandoola Park in Yangon to show support for activists Naw Ohn Hla, Saw Thein Zaw Min and Saw Albert Cho.
Description: "Just hours earlier, they had been sentenced to 15 days’ imprisonment for organising a ceremony to observe Karen Martyrs’ Day. The day marks the anniversary of the deaths of Karen National Union founders Saw Ba U Gyi and Major-General Sai Kay, who were killed in a Tatmadaw ambush in 1950. The trio were released immediately after the sentencing, having already served 22 days. But the outcome angered ethnic rights activists, who said it was further evidence of the government’s continued oppression of ethnic minorities. Why were they detained and charged? Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein had prohibited them from using the word “martyr” at the event, so they changed the location from North Dagon, on the city’s outskirts, to City Hall and Maha Bandoola Park, right in the centre. Moving the event was a provocative step. The government took the bait. Ohn Hla has been arrested and imprisoned many times over the past three decades. She is unlikely to shy away from a fight. Another stint in prison was always going to be a possible outcome. Lest we think this was a one-off, though, the regional authorities doubled down, filing charges against three women who had protested during a September 27 court hearing for the three detained activists. This story is likely to rumble on: more protests, more charges, more fiery statements. The whole episode underscores the government’s intolerance towards expressions of ethnic minority culture and history – in particular, those that deviate from the official narrative of 135 ethnic groups living in harmony since time immemorial, which, as the lead article in this issue of Frontier shows, is a myth. But it also reflects the government’s remarkable ability to pick pointless political battles. What would have been a relatively small event on Yangon’s outskirts was transformed into a series of demonstrations in the city’s heart that garnered major press coverage..."
Source/publisher: "Frontier Myanmar" (Myanmar)
Date of entry/update: 2019-10-10
Type: Individual Documents
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Date of entry/update: 2012-05-05
Type: Individual Documents
Language: Burmese (မြန်မာဘာသာ), English, Thai
Local URL:
Description: Ashin Sopaka lebt seit 3 Jahren in Köln und hat dort das buddhistische Zentrum Santi Dhamma Vihara gegründet. 1988 im Alter von 12 Jahren ist er erstmal ins Kloster als normaler Klosterschüler gegangen und wurde 6 Monate später Novize. Er blieb dem Klosterleben treu und konnte in seinem 20. Lebensjahr die 2.Ordination als Mönch durchführen. Somit lebt Ashin Sopaka bereits seit 18 Jahren, erst als Mönchsnovize dann als richtiger Mönch, in verschiedenen Klöstern und kann viel zu dem Thema Mönchsleben und die Funktion der Klöster in Myanmar sagen. Politischer Einfluss der Sangha; Politische Haltung der Sangha; Alltagsleben im Kloster; Monastery education; life in monasteries; role of monasteries in Burma; political influence of Buddhism;
Tanja Seller
Source/publisher: Kölner Buddhismus Center
Date of entry/update: 2007-09-26
Type: Individual Documents
Language: German, Deutsch
Local URL: