Tourism in Burma/Myanmar - the debate

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Websites/Multiple Documents

Description: # When to go # Sights # Money & Costs # Getting there & around # History ..."Travelling to Myanmar presents an ethical decision - Should you go? Check the warning below or go to our responsible travel section..."
Source/publisher: Lonely Planet
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
Language: English
Description: "...VFB recognizes that the political situation in Burma is very complex and nuanced, and that there is no simple solution. Many Burma campaign groups feel that economic sanctions and a tourist boycott are the solution and on this point we disagree. However like all Burma campaign groups, our ultimate goal is to help the people of Burma achieve freedom, democracy and basic human rights, and it is our belief that these things can only take hold in an environment of cooperation and communication, embracing different viewpoints. We welcome and encourage debate on the issue of tourism in Burma and hope to use this space as an open forum where all voices can be heard..."
Source/publisher: Voices for Burma
Date of entry/update: 2010-02-16
Grouping: Websites/Multiple Documents
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Individual Documents

Description: "...There is an urgent need for a critical debate on mass tourism in Myanmar, particularly the viability and frailty of the Myanmar Responsible Tourism Policy that is soon to be framed by the Myanmar Tourism Master Plan. ?One of the most fascinating aspects of travel in Myanmar is the opportunity to experience a corner of Asia that, in many ways, has changed little since British colonial times,? says the Lonely Planet. It remains to be seen how this place of authenticity will be reshaped by mass tourism as a force of globalisation in the near future, and how the state of Myanmar will responsibly respond to the challenges brought about by mass tourism..."
Ko Ko Thet
Source/publisher: Burma Center Prague.
Date of entry/update: 2012-12-10
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Format : pdf
Size: 1.51 MB
Description: Burma?s tourism industry has grown in recent years, despite a shaky start, but the debate about whether ?to go or not to go? rages o?n..."
Dominic Faulder
Source/publisher: "The Irrawaddy" Vol. 15, No.2
Date of entry/update: 2008-07-26
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: So you?re planning to visit Burma? Then read this first... "One question often posed by foreign friends and visitors who come to my office is whether they should visit Burma. I find it difficult to offer a straightforward answer...
Aung Zaw
Source/publisher: "The Irrawaddy" Vol. 15, No.2
Date of entry/update: 2008-07-26
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: History book prejudices fade away as increasing numbers of Thais visit their largest neighbor
Sai Silp
Source/publisher: "The Irrawaddy" Vol. 15, No.2
Date of entry/update: 2008-07-26
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: Wer in diesen Wochen durch das ärmste Land Asiens reist, begegnet wenigen Touristengruppen, aber einer wissbegierigen Bevölkerung, der Besucher herzlich willkommen sind. Ein 18-jähriger Informatik-Student, der auf dem Mandalay-Hügel die Mitglieder einer deutschen Reisegruppe anspricht, erläutert: „Wir wurden hier zwar Augenzeugen der Ereignisse, aber sonst wissen wir so gut wie nichts. Tourismus nach den Aufständen 2007; tourism after the uprisings 2007
Jürgen Diebäcker
Source/publisher: Der Westen
Date of entry/update: 2008-05-02
Type: Individual Documents
Language: German, Deutsch
Local URL:
Description: Der Boykottaufruf ist auf Grund der politischen Zustände im Land verständlich und legitim. Boykott wird hier als Instrument zur Änderung der politischen Situation aufgefasst. Die realen Erfolgschancen einer solchen Vorgangsweise wurden aber bislang (leider!) nicht nur nicht diskutiert, sondern scheinen auch fraglich: Der Wirtschaftssektor Tourismus ist zu unbedeutend, um tatsächlich wirtschaftlichen Druck auszuüben, zu stark ist die Einbindung Burmas in die ASEAN und die Kooperation mit Staaten wie Australien. Debate on tourism in Burma; controversial study trip of Austrian NGO "respect";
Christian Baumgartner
Source/publisher: Tourism Watch/EED
Date of entry/update: 2007-09-15
Type: Individual Documents
Language: German, Deutsch
Local URL:
Description: British campaign adds fuel to Burma tourism debate... "When Burma hosts the next Asean tourism fair, in January 2006, some notable names will be missing from the guest list. There will be no official British participation, for a start, following a strong statement this month by Prime Minister Tony Blair and the two other British parliamentary party leaders opposing tourism to Burma. They added their names to a list of more than 70 public figures supporting an anti-tourism campaign mounted by the Burma Campaign-UK. The campaign and the high profile support it has won within Britain have reignited the Burma toursim debate. Is a tourism boycott an effective way to force the Burmese generals to give up power, or does it hit the wrong people? Is it morally wrong to enjoy a holiday in Burma, or do tourists throw a lifeline to oppressed Burmese? The Irrawaddy asked two representatives of the contrary arguments to participate in a debate on the central issues..."
Source/publisher: "The Irrawaddy" Vol. 13, No. 2
Date of entry/update: 2005-08-28
Type: Individual Documents
Language: English
Local URL:
Description: A discussion of the pro?s and con?s of tourism in Burma. Analysis of recent tourism related data. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Argumenten gegen und für einen Tourismus nach Burma. Im Zusammenhang mit der aktuellen Diskussion zu Burma/Myanmar wurde respect - Institut für Integrativen Tourismus und Entwicklung von österreichischen NGOs zur Unterstützung des Boykotts aufgefordert, gleichzeitig aber auch von österreichischen und deutschen MedienvertreterInnen um eine Stellungnahme gebeten. Durch einen kurzen Aufenthalt im Land und in Gesprächen mit Vertretern der burmesischen Exilregierung und zahlreichen internationalen Experten und Expertinnen sowie NGO?s entstand diese Arbeit, zusätzlich fand eine intensive Literaturrecherche und Recherche im Internet statt. Im nebenstehenden Datei-Download sind die Ergebnisse dieser Forschungsarbeit angeführt.
Christian Baumgartner, Daniel Predota, Margit Leuthold
Source/publisher: respect - Institut für Integrativen Tourismus und Entwicklung
Date of entry/update: 2003-06-03
Type: Individual Documents
Language: Deutsch, German
Local URL: