"Health Messenger"


"Health Messenger" is a distance learning magazine directed at health and social workers and their communities. It is published every three months by Aide Medicale Internationale. The magazine seeks to communicate health information and knowledge to those living in areas where resources are limited. In order to achieve this purpose, all those concerned about health problems should become actively involved in the project. Teaching is more effective if the whole community is involved in the learning process... Medics, nurses, laboratory technicians, home visitors, and school teachers should all join together in this effort. All of us should try to gain more knowledge regarding health problems through any means available in order to help improve health conditions in the camps for temporarily displaced persons and also those outside the camps. Health Messenger serves as one of the means for those who want to benefit from this knowledge and information exchange regarding health and medical problems. To read the Burmese text, you need to have the necessary fonts installed in your computer. These can be downloaded from the OBL Fonts subsection under "Languages of Burma" at http://www.burmalibrary.org/show.php?cat=398&lo=d&sl=0


Aide Medicale Internationale (AMI)

Date of entry: 



  • Websites/Multiple Documents



Burmese, English



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