International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women of Burma - March 2nd, 2010


"The International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women of Burma was conceived after a peace delegation organized by the Nobel Women?s Initiative visited the Thai-Burma border in 2008. The visit of our delegation, which included activists as well as Nobel Peace Laureates, was hosted by the Women?s League of Burma. At every stop on our journey, we met many strong and brave women who were living in the most difficult circumstances. We were impressed by the resilience of the women. Many had been forced to flee their homeland because of terrible violence, yet they never stopped calling Burma home. These women shared their stories of fear, pain and horror ? but perhaps more importantly, they also shared their hopes, dreams and wishes for the future of Burma. In our view, their unwavering belief that change is possible, combined with their drive to make change happen, makes these women of Burma an unstoppable force. It makes them an inspiration for us all. We knew then that it was important to bring their stories to a larger audience. That is why we helped organize the International Tribunal on Crimes against Women of Burma. At the day-long Tribunal, four judges and many people around the world listened as twelve women from Burma told personal stories of how they had been brutalized and victimized by the military regime. The judges? findings and recommendations were a clear response to the women?s testimony. Based on what they heard and other documentary evidence, the judges concluded that war crimes, crimes against humanity and human rights violations have been and continue to be committed by the Burmese military regime. Their recommendations also send a strong message to the regime, to the Association of Southeast Nations (ASEAN) and other states in the Asia-Pacific region, to the international community and to civil society. The judges? recommendations constitute a blueprint for action on Burma..."


Nobel Women?s Initiative

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