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FDL-AP Press Statement on the UN FA

FDL-AP  Forum of  Democratic Leaders in the Asia Pacific
Aryung Bldg., Suite 501,506-20, Changchun-Dong, Sendaemun-Ku, Seoul,
Korea(Tel)322-449 (Fax) 322-4494

** FDL-AP Press Statement on the UN FAO Regional Conference for the
Asia-Pacific in Burma **

        April 3, 1998

Concerning the UN FAO (FOOD and Agricultural Organization) regional
conference for the Asia-Pacific to be held in Burma from April 20 through
24, FDL-AP believes that it is not appropriate for Burma to be a host
country for the following reasons;

First, human rights violations by Burmese military government still
prevail.  Oppression of the Burmese democratic supporters, summary
execution, violent attacks against Karenese refugees, and forced child
labor are continued.  The ongoing human rights abuses in Burma are an utter
violation of the spirit of UN Human Rights Charter.

Second, while Burmese military government expresses its wishes to host the
FAO regional conference for the Asia-Pacific, it continues to prevent the
UN Human Rights Special Rapporteur from entering into Burmese territory.
This clearly shows the military government in its own contradiction.

Third, the purpose of the FAO regional conference lies in prevention of
hunger and poverty through pursuit of development in agriculture and food
security.  However, the poverty and pain pervasive in Burmese society today
are mainly caused by inability and misguided policy of the military
governments.  Therefore, as long as the military government is in power, it
is hard to expect the FAO regional conference will bring any long-term
positive effect on Burma.

In this light, the FDL-AP,

1)	calls for the UN FAO to note and consider the said reasons and negative
opinions of international community in its holding of the conference in Burma.

2)	calls for FDL-AP global family to demand their governments' acts on this

3)	urges the SLORC/SPDC to contribute to restoration of democracy and
national reconciliation in Burma by fully guaranteeing the Burmese human
rights and joining the tripartite dialogue with the NLD-led democratic
forces and the ethnic nationalities, prior to hosting the FAO regional

FDL-AP (Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia-Pacific)